Martin Reformed Church Preschool

Every Child is a Gift From God

Registration for 2025-26 is currently closed due to both classes being full.



At Martin Reformed Church Preschool, we focus on the whole child to help each student grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically and physically. We strive to help students love learning through hands-on, interactive activities. In addition, we practice and build skills that students will need for kindergarten. We are guided by Michigan's Early Childhood Standards of Quality for monthly units of study that encompass a number of learning objectives from Michigan's Early Childhood Standards. We also create experiences and activities that help students reach developmental milestones.


*Martin Reformed Church Preschool is licensed by the State of Michigan.

  • Each day children have the opportunity to sing worship songs, listen to a devotion and pray. Biblical truths are also woven into the programs throughout the year.

  • At Martin Reformed Church Preschool we use Zoo-Phonics, a fun, engaging program that helps students learn letters and sounds. The program matches an animal and motion to each letter and sound. Students learn lowercase letters in order from A to Z. This program engages students' eyes, ears, mouth and body as they learn, which makes learning fun and helps all types of learners.

    Additional areas of language arts:

    • Letters and sounds

    • Name recognition and writing

    • Listening to stories

    • Comprehension skills

    • Rhyming and finger plays

    • Writing expressive language - Speaking and communication

    • Receptive language - Listening skills

    • Numbers

    • Counting and one to one correspondence

    • Patterns

    • Sorting

    • Shapes

    • Colors

    • Measurement

    • Problem solving

    • Identifying more/less and same/different

    • Graphing

    • Observations, predictions and inquiry in science investigations

    • Concepts about time (i.e. yesterday, today, tomorrow)

  • Fine Motor Skills

    • Scissor use

    • Cutting activities

    • Prewriting activities

    Large Motor Skills

    • Running

    • Jumping

    • Skipping

    • Galloping

    • Climbing

    • Balance

    • Hand-eye coordination

    • Self awareness and self regulation

    • Self help skills and independence

    • Expressing self and emotions

    • Problem solving

    • Sharing and taking turns

    • Following directions

    • Expressing self through art, music and movement

  • Classes

    We offer two class options:

    Tuesday & Thursday from 8:30 - 11:30 am for children who turn 3 by September 1st.

    Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 8:30 - 11:30 am for children who turn 4 by September 1st.

    Additionally, Progressive Extended Afternoons are offered for the M/W/F class from 11:30 am - 2:30 pm (with enough interest)

  • Tuition

    2025-2026 Tuition Rates:

    Tuesday & Thursday Class: $1,250/school year

    Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Class: $1,850/school year

    Progressive Extended Afternoons: Price varies due to afternoons being offered with interest throughout the school year, but rates are based on the same cost as mornings.

  • Registration Info

    Registration for 2025-26 is currently closed due to both classes being full.

Meet Our Team

  • Jill DeMann


    Jill has been with MRC Preschool since 2016. She has her Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education, and has previously taught early childhood special education in Holland.

  • Holli Jager

    Co-Director/Teacher’s Aide

    Holli has been with MRC Preschool since 2014.

  • Sarah Broughman

    Teacher’s Aide

    Sarah has been with MRC Preschool since 2019.

Contact us.
(269) 672-9711

1073 W. Allegan
Martin, MI 49070